General Information
Learning the laws regulating the use of firearms is a must for responsible ownership. Local regulations differ and laws vary from state to state. Citizens must check with the jurisdiction where the firearm is to be used.
In California, the Sheriff and his staff are required to follow strict state and local guidelines when performing the necessary background checks for issuing Concealed Weapon Permit. Due to the detailed nature involved with conducting these background checks, appointment times and processing times can take multiple weeks. During the application process, the applicant will be asked to schedule an interview appointment for a new Concealed Weapon Permit. Please note that for a new Concealed Weapon Permit a non-refundable $48 initial CCW application fee will be required to reserve an appointment for an interview. The $48 fee will not be refunded once the CCW application has been processed.
If the applicant is RENEWING a Concealed Weapon Permit in Sacramento County, they may not apply until 45 days before the expiration date listed on their current Concealed Weapon Permit.
Pricing – Effective Jan 1, 2025
Type of Permit | Standard 2 Year | Judicial 3 Year | Reserve 4 Year |
Initial CCW Fee |
$48.00 |
$48.00 |
$48.00 |
Issuance Fee Paid upon the approval of the application |
$190.00 | $190.00 | $190.00 |
Renewal CCW Fee | $90.00 | $112.00 | $134.00 |
Duplicate/Modification Fee | $16.00 | $16.00 | $16.00 |
- The administrative cost for a New Concealed Weapon Permit includes the DOJ fees. An applicant will pay a non-refundable application fee. After you have been contingently approved by the CCW Committee, you will be asked to complete the LiveScan Fingerprinting at one of our facilities to initiate the DOJ/FBI background checks. The cost includes a $93 DOJ fee + an Administrative fee. If approved, applicants will be asked to pay an additional issuance fee prior to receiving their Concealed Weapon Permit.
- Modification for an address change to a Concealed Weapon Permit will incur an application fee, as noted in the above table.
- For credit card transactions a nominal credit card transaction fee will be charged for each transaction. Charges will be viewable prior to transaction completion.
- Appointments for New Concealed Weapon Permit will be on Mondays and Wednesdays.
- Click the appropriate button (NEW, RENEW, DUPLICATE or MODIFY) on the left of this screen to proceed with an application for a Concealed Weapon Permit.
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Concealed Weapon Permit Requirements: must meet ALL requirements
California Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 provide that a Sheriff of a county or the Chief or other head of municipal police department of any city, or city and county, shall issue or renew a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person (Concealed Carry Weapon license).
Who Shall be Issued a License
The licensing authority specified in Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 shall issue a license to persons who are not a disqualified person to receive such a license, as determined in accordance with the standards set forth in Penal Code 26202, meet residential requirements, and have completed a course of training. All applicants for a Concealed Carry Weapon license will be fingerprinted and state and federal records will be checked to determine if they are eligible to possess firearms. Click here to view all categories that would prohibit a person from possessing firearms and being granted a Concealed Carry Weapon license.
Completing the Application
California Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 provide that a Sheriff of a county or the Chief or other head of a municipal police department of any city or city and county shall issue a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person (CCW license). Penal Code section 26175 requires the Attorney General to prescribe a statewide standard application form for a CCW license. Answering all the questions on the Application does not guarantee the issuance of a Concealed Weapon Permit. The determination whether to issue the license is at the discretion of the licensing authority. Pursuant to California Penal Code section 26160, each licensing authority will have a written policy summarizing their requirements for issuance of a Concealed Weapon Permit. In addition, prior to issuing a Concealed Weapon Permit, the California State Statutes require proof that:
- The applicant is not a disqualified person to receive such a license, as determined in accordance with the standards set forth in Penal Code 26202;
- The applicant is at least 21 years of age, and presents clear evidence of the person’s identity and age, as defined in Penal Code 16400;
- The applicant is a resident of that city or city and county. Prima facie evidence of residency within the county or a city within the county includes, but is not limited to, the address where the applicant is registered to vote, the applicant’s filing of a homeowner’s property tax exemption, and other acts, occurrences, or events that indicate presence in the county or a city within the county is more than temporary or transient. The presumption of residency in the county or city within the county may be rebutted by satisfactory evidence that the applicant’s primary residence is in another county or city within the county;
- The course of training prescribed by the licensing authority has been completed.
- The applicant is the recorded owner, with the Department of Justice, of the pistol, revolver, or other firearm for which the license will be issued.
Character References
You will need to provide the names and contact information of three persons willing to serve as references. One of the three must be a person described in Penal Code section 273.5, subdivision (b) (your spouse, or former spouse, your cohabitant or former cohabitant, your fiancée, or someone with whom you have, or previously had, an engagement or dating relationship, or the mother or father of your child), if applicable. At least one of the three must be your cohabitant if applicable.
Training Required
The Application includes standardized questions to determine whether a Concealed Weapon Permit shall be issued. The applicant will certify under penalty of perjury that all answers provided in the application are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. The applicant will also acknowledge that information disclosed on this application may be subject to public disclosure. Information provided in the application is subject to investigation and any false, dishonest, or incomplete answer to any question on the application may be grounds for denial or subsequent revocation of a Concealed Weapon Permit. WARNING: IT IS A CRIME TO KNOWINGLY PROVIDE FALSE INFORMATION ON AN APPLICATION TO CARRY A CONCEALED WEAPON.
Your home address must be current with the California DMV and you must be a resident of Sacramento County. We are required to check DMV’s database to ensure your home address is updated and current. You cannot update your home address simply by registering a vehicle or updating your vehicle registration. It can take over 72 hours for the DMV database to reflect the changes. It is not required that your actual driver’s license reflect your current address as the DMV does not normally issue you a new license simply because you update your address. We will check the DMV database to make sure it matches your current home address.
If you served in the US Military you will need to upload a copy of your DD-214 or NG FORM 22 which displays the type of discharge you received. Active military personnel must have a valid California driver’s license or California ID Card to establish residency.
Former Law Enforcement Officers
If you are a former PEACE OFFICER, as defined in Chapter 4.5, (commencing with section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, or a Federal qualified law enforcement officer, as defined in section 926B of Title 18 of the United States Code you must apply to your last agency of employment for a Concealed Weapon Permit. If you are denied you must obtain a denial letter from that agency and upload it along with all other required documents.
US Residency
If you were not born in the United States you will be required to upload verification that you are here in the US legally by uploading to your application:
- Naturalization Certificate
- Resident Alien Card (be sure to upload the back side showing the expiration date, if applicable).
- Valid US Passport
- Certificate of Birth Abroad
Proof of Residency
When submitting an application for a NEW, RENEWAL or Address MODIFICATION, all applicants will be required to upload the following:
- All proofs of residency must include your home address (we do not accept P.O. Boxes as addresses) You will need to scan two (2) items for proof of residency. The proofs of residency must be at least the entire first page of the bill, including the tear-off, mail-out portion so we can view both the location of service and the address where the bill is mailed and ensure there is no past due balance. The proofs of residency must be dated within the last 60 days. We DO NOT accept overdue bills. We also do not accept documents from DMV, lease/rental agreements, tax bills, nor insurance policy statements. If your bills/statements are not delivered to your residence, please go ONLINE and print out a copy of the actual bill/statement and upload them into your application by following the procedure to ADD FILES.
- Acceptable proof of residency must be a MONTHLY bill such as:
- Utility bill
- Bank statement
- Cell phone bill
- Credit card statement
- Mortgage statement
- A copy of your valid California driver’s license or ID.
A total of three (3) firearms can be listed on your permit. Be sure each firearm you list on your Concealed Weapon Permit is registered to you. The firearm(s) cannot be registered to any other family member. You may not add rifle caliber weapons (AR-Pistol, AK-Pistol, etc.) to your CCW permit.
Order Number and Password
After you submit a NEW, RENEWAL, MODIFICATION or DUPLICATE application and pay your fees, you will receive an email providing you with your Order Number. Please print this email out and save it for your records because you will be required to access your Order throughout various stages of the CCW process. Also, please do not forget your password. To access your Order go to the top of the page on this website, click on ORDER TRACKER, then type in your Order Number, email address and password.
Failure to complete all steps in the CCW process six (6) months from the date of the Approval email will result in the withdrawal of the CCW Application, as will inactivity on the application for six months.
Please click on this link to view the CCW UNIT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
NEW Applicant – prior to completing a NEW Application please be prepared to upload the following:
- A copy of your valid California driver’s license, or California ID.
- Two (2) items for proof of residency (see Proof of Residency section above; P.O. Boxes are not allowed).
- If applicable, upload your DD-214 or NG Form 22 (National Guard) with type of discharge included.
- Upload verification that you are in the US legally if you were not born in the US.
Please DO NOT take your training and qualification courses or get fingerprinted until instructed to do so. Please do not jump ahead in the process as your training and qualification courses will not be accepted. You may list the handguns you initially wish to list on your permit; however, the final handguns listed on your CCW permit will be based upon the information provided on the Training and Qualification verification documents your Firearms and Qualification Instructor will provide to you to upload later in the process.
The steps in the NEW Application process are as follows:
1. Submit a New Application (click on the appropriate link/type of application you are filing on the left side of the webpage). If you select the wrong type of application we cannot convert it over to the proper type for you (your application will be denied and you will have to start the process over). To submit a New Application, please follow these steps:
a. Type your personal information into the online Application (be sure to select the appropriate type of application from the selections on the left side of this web page). Please be sure to answer all of the Application questions truthfully because it is a crime to provide false information on the application. Once you complete your Application it cannot be revised. The only method you can use to correct incorrect information or mistakes is to write or type the information on a separate piece of paper and upload it to your completed CCW Application by following the ADDING FILES/ DOCUMENTS procedures outlined below.
b. Upload all required documents. Failure to upload all required documents at least fifteen (15) business days (this timeframe excludes Friday/Saturday/Sunday and all Holidays) prior to your appointment or your appointment will be cancelled. CCW Staff will check all pended applications two weeks prior to the actual appointment. If all required documents have been received the appointment will be confirmed; if not, the appointment will be cancelled and the applicant will need to reschedule the appointment (see “c” below for instructions on rescheduling your appointment). Please BE SURE to review the Proof of Residency section above regarding acceptable proof of residency.
c. Schedule your Interview appointment. All interviews are conducted at 2101 Hurley Way, Sacramento, CA 95825. The appointment calendar is entirely client operated. If you desire an earlier appointment, please check the appointment calendar regularly because a rescheduled or cancelled appointment will open up that appointment slot. By accessing your Order and selecting a new appointment date, the previous appointment will automatically be cancelled once you confirm this decision (see instructions below regarding how to access your Application Order). You can view your appointment details at any time by accessing your Application Order.
d. Pay initial fees (follow online instructions).
e. Once you have successfully completed all steps in the application process you will receive an email providing you with your ORDER NUMBER. Please be sure to retain this ORDER NUMBER and remember your password because you will be required to access your Application Order in the future to upload additional documents.
ACCESSING your submitted CCW Application Order and ADDING FILES/DOCUMENTS:
At the top of the website click on the ORDER TRACKER button [on an iPad or smart phone, or any device with a screen smaller than a standard computer monitor you will click on the MORE button which is often shown with three dots (…)]. Once you access the ORDER TRACKER you will need to type in your Order number and password to access your application and add documents. Scroll to the bottom of your Order and click on ADD FILES (you will need to have saved the document(s) you want to upload to your Order by saving it to your desktop or device so when you ADD FILES you will have a location where the documents are stored to select them from). Select the files or documents you want to upload by clicking on them and then click on ADD FILES. Once this is completed there will be a list of the documents displayed so you can confirm they were successfully uploaded. It is advisable to specifically name each document you save to your desktop so it will be much easier for you to verify which document(s) were uploaded and make it easier for CCW staff to access specific documents by name.
2. After your interview your application will be sent to the CCW Committee. The Committee meets once or twice per month and a decision regarding your CCW application will be emailed to you. This process can take up to two months depending on the Committee’s workload.
3. If approved you will receive a Contingent Approval email with instructions for completing the remainder of the CCW process (LiveScan fingerprinting, training and qualification courses and uploading two final proofs of residency). Failure to complete all steps in the CCW process six (6) months from the date of the Approval email will result in the withdrawal of your CCW Application.
4. Once all of the required documents have been uploaded and the DOJ/FBI background clearances have been received, your application will be approved and you will receive an email requesting that you go back online and make your final payment. Please DO NOT come to the CCW Office to pick up your CCW permit until after you receive our final email advising you to do so.
5. Staff will process your application in order by date/time of submission and finalize your application. You will receive an email advising you of the dates/times for pickup (Tuesdays/Thursdays, 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.). While it is difficult to predict turnaround time because the Unit’s workload changes by the minute, most applications are processed within two to four weeks after Contingent Approval, after the applicant has uploaded all required documents and the background clearances have been received.
If your CCW Application is denied, you will receive an email to advise you of this action. Please be sure to review the APPICATION/DENIAL REASONS. You may appeal the denial by mailing or hand-delivering a letter address to CCW APPEALS, 2101 Hurley Way, Sacramento, CA 95825. The Appeal must be dated or hand-delivered to the CCW Bureau within 30 days of the date of the Denial. Please attach or include in your appeal any information you wish to have considered when your Appeal is reviewed.
RENEWAL – CCW Permit Holders may renew their CCW permits 45 days prior to the permit’s expiration.
NOTICE TO ALL CCW PERMIT HOLDERS: Pursuant to Penal Code Section 26210 and CCW Unit Policies and Procedures, all CCW Permit Holders are required to notify the CCW Unit of any change in residency, temporary or permanent, within 10 days of the date they move by submitting an online Modification Application for an address change (note: please upload only the documents associated with a change of address; it is not necessary to upload training and qualification documents for an address change only). Please follow the instructions for submitting a Modification Application for an address change (see instructions below). FAILURE TO DO SO RENDERS YOUR CCW PERMIT INVALID!!
Prior to completing a RENEWAL Application, please be prepared to upload the following:
- A copy of your valid California driver’s license, or California ID.
- Two (2) items for proof of residency (refer to above section regarding acceptable Proofs of Residency; P.O. Boxes are NOT allowed).
- If applicable, upload your DD-214 or NG Form 22 with type of discharge included.
- Upload verification that you are in the US legally if you were not born in the US.
- 8-Hour Firearms Training Certificate that lists the date of your training and qualification and each weapon you qualified with that will appear on your permit (refer to above Firearms section).
- Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office CCW qualification form also listing each firearm.
- DOJ Certified Instructor Form.
PLEASE NOTE: Renewal Applicants must answer all questions on the application truthfully and honestly, even if the information has previously been disclosed. There is a 60-day grace period if you let your permit expire but you cannot conceal carry if your permit has expired. If you fail to submit your Renewal Application and scan and upload all required documents by the end of the 60-day grace period, you will have to start the process over as a New Applicant.
When you are notified to pick up your Renewed Permit, you will be required to turn in your old/expired permit.
MODIFICATION Applications are only accepted for updates to your home address. Modifications must be submitted within 10 days of the day you move. You are also required per California State law to change your home address with the California DMV. We will check the DMV database to ensure you have done so.
Prior to completing a MODIFICATION Application, be prepared to upload the following:
- A copy of your valid California driver’s license, or California ID.
- Be prepared to scan two (2) items for proof of residency (refer to above section Proofs of Residency).
- When you are notified to pick up your Modified Permit, you will be required to turn in your old permit (as you cannot possess two CCW Permits).
GUN MODIFICATIONS are no longer accepted. If you would like to add or remove a weapon, you may do so when renewing your CCW permit.
DUPLICATE Applications are submitted to request a duplicate copy of a lost/stolen permit. Prior to completing a DUPLICATE Application, be prepared to upload the following:
- A copy of your valid California driver’s license, or California ID.
- A copy of a police report you must file to document the loss/theft of your permit. This report must be filed with the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the location where the loss/theft occurred..
For More Information, Contact:
Sacramento County Sheriff's Office
2101 Hurley Way
Sacramento, CA 95825
Telephone: 916-874-8450
Email: ccw@sacsheriff.com
Website: https://www.sacsheriff.com/pages/ccw_gun_permit.php
For Technical Support, Contact:
Permitium Software
Email: help@permitium.com